Events of 11 September 2001 have put the war on terrorism on the international agenda. Currently international terrorism is one of the important challenges facing the international community. The term "terrorism" came into use at the end of the 18th century, especially to designate violent acts of government that are intended to ensure the observance of the people (Charles Thomas, International terrorism and Political Crimes, 1975).
Definition of terrorism.• According to the 1937 UN Convention, all forms of terrorism are crimes directed against the state with the intention of creating a form of terror against specific people or groups of people or society at large.• U.S. Department of Defense in 1990. Terrorism is the unlawful act or acts that contains threats of violence or coercion against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies with the aim of politics, religion or ideology.• Armed Forces - Army, based on the Anti-Terror Bujuknik 2000. Terrorism is a way of thinking and acting that uses terror as a technique to achieve the goal.
Anti-Terrorism• The UN, under Chapter VII of the UN CHARTER: includes legal implications in the form of an obligation of every state to detain, prosecute and punish or extradite the perpetrators of terrorism.• Armed Forces - Army, based on the Anti-Terror Bujuknik: is any kind of business, employment, activities and actions that include planning, preparation and execution to combat terrorism.
History TerrorismHistory of terrorism evolved from centuries past. It is characterized by a form of pure evil in the form of killings and threats aimed at achieving certain goals. Began its development and forms of cult fanaticism which later turned into a murder, whether committed by individuals or by a group of rulers who are considered as tiran.Pembunuhan against this individual has to say as a pure form of terrorism with mengacupada history of modern terrorism.
Terrorism emerged in the late 19th century and before World War I and took place all the earth's surface. History records that in 1890-an act of terrorism against the Turkish Armenia, which ended in disaster for the massacre of Armenians in World War-I. In the decade of PD-I, identified terrorism as part of a movement-based left-wing ideology.
Post-World War II, the world has never known "peace". Various turbulence develops in a sustainable and lasting. Superpower confrontation to escalate into conflict East - West and dragging some Third World countries into the conflict which led to the North - South. The struggle against the invaders, racial unrest, regional conflicts that attract third-party intervention, domestic upheaval in many Third World countries, making the world unstable and volatile. Instability of the world and frustration of many developing nations in the struggle demanding the rights that are considered fundamental and legitimate opportunities arise and spread of terrorism. The phenomenon of terrorism itself is a relatively new phenomenon, that is, after World War II and the rise since the beginning of the decade of the '70s. Terrorism and terror has evolved in a dispute over ideology, religious fanaticism, the struggle for independence, rebellion, ge-rilya, even by the government as ways and means of enforcing his authority.
The characteristics of terrorism• A good outspoken, highly disciplined, militan.Organsisasinya a group - small groups, discipline and militancy ditanarnkan through indoctrination and training for many - years.• Having a political goal, but a criminal act to achieve goals.• Not heeding the norm - the norm, such as religion, law, etc..• Selecting a target that had a high nimbulkan psykologis effect to cause fear and gain widespread publicity.Characteristics of Terrorism• Characteristics of the organization include: organization, recruitment, funding and relationship intemasional.Karakteristik Operations which include: planning, timing, tactics and collusion.• Behavioral characteristics include: motivation, dedication, discipline, desire to kill, and desire to give up life - life.• The characteristics of resources that include: training / skills, experience of the individuals in the technology, weaponry, equipment and transportation.
Motif TerrorismTerrorists are inspired by different motives. Motives of terrorism can be classified into three categories: rational, psychology and culture that can then be translated more widely into:• Freeing the country. Fighters - Palestinian militants on November 15, 1988 proclaimed its independence in Algeria. In achieving these objectives PLO eventually divided into two fronts, namely front Intifada and the radical militant movement (Hamas). For the state of Israel, the PLO after its shape is classified into a group of terrorists.• Separating from a legitimate government (separatists). IRA (Irish Republica Army) with any form of activities branded as terrorists by the British government.• As a protest the prevailing social system. Italian Red Brigades, which aims to liberate Italy from the capitalists multinasionalis, by the Italian government put in a terrorist group.• Get rid of the enemies of political enemies. Kadafi is widely used to get rid of political opponents by mengirirnkan Dead Squad to kill. The most prominent attempt to kill former PM Libya A. Hamid Bakhoush in Egypt that uses the European bayarandari killers.
International nature of terrorism• Implement actions of violence involving more than one country. Commercial plane hijacking case could not be handled by one country alone.• The violence that attracted worldwide attention. Actions undertaken by terrorist movements will always invite a wide publicity.• Not concerned with the interests of the country where terrorist acts were carried out.
Terrorism purposes.Short term goals:• Gaining recognition from local, national and international world of his struggle.• Trigger the government's reaction, over reaction and repressive measures that could lead to unrest in society.• Disrupt, weaken and embarrass the government, military or other security forces.• Demonstrate an un-able-government protect and secure citizens.• Obtaining money or equipment.• Disrupt or destroy the means of communication and transportation.• Prevent or hinder the decision of the executive or legislative body.• Potential strike• Preventing the flow of foreign investment or foreign aid program.• Influencing the course of the general election• Freeing prisoners into their group• Satisfactory or revenge.
Long Term Objectives• Creates a dramatic change in the government such as revolution, war or sa-air inter-state wars.• Creating favorable conditions for the terrorists during the guerrilla war.• Influencing policy decision makers both within local, national or international.• Gaining recognition as a political entity to represent an ethnic or national group.
How a network of international terrorismOf the existing facts in mind that the relationship between terrorist groups in a closed session has been established.
Cooperation between terrorist groupsAlthough there is no clear international conspiracy between terrorist groups, but the trend shows an increase in cooperation between terrorist groups in dunia.Kerjasama include assistance in terms of resources, experts, shelter and even participation in joint operations. Along with the development of cooperation between terrorist groups, terrorist groups operating efficiency of the terror acts as well as operational areas also increased.
In certain countries the government would support the cooperation between these terrorist groups. They provide logistical support, organize meetings between leaders of different groups and provide assistance in the implementation of its operations. The government has considered the use of terrorism as an alternative to conventional war. In essence the government take advantage of this terrorist group as a reserve army mereka.Ada some important events of world cooperation among terrorist groups, among others:• Meeting in Badawi. After meeting Abdullah in 1971 which was attended by various representatives of terrorist organizations of Europe and the Middle East. Lead to cooperation in the implementation of a terrorist act. (Current airfield attack Tel Aviv, May 1972)• Pertermuan Larnaca. Cooperation in the wake of a meeting in Badawi followed later by a meeting in Larnaca (Cyprus) in 1997 to develop tactical cooperation in a relationship of mutual help and strengthen each other. Efforts are directed to ensure greater success in acts of terror, because it was realized that in addition to the ability of each organization, also needed a broader collaboration with other similar organizations.• The case of the bombing of U.S. Consulate in Pakistan. Al Qaeda terrorists to pay some local sectarian Pakistan to plan a bombing outside the American Consulate that killed 12 citizens of Pakistan (May 8, 2002).
Terrorist operations.Terrorist operations are usually carried out by clandestine elements that are specifically trained and organized. Normally tight security measures imposed after the operation target is selected. Team members are usually not met prior to the preliminary exercise shortly before going to the point.
Surveillance is usually carried out by the elements or specialized personnel who served as special intelligence. To increase the likelihood of successful implementation of operations more than the planned attack being waged. Terrorists always seek out and exploit the weak points of the target. They often attack targets that are not protected or less security. Characteristics of the violent terrorist operations, speed and surprise.
MethodTerrorists usually operate in small units that relationship consists of personnel trained to use light automatic rifles, hand grenades, explosive munitions, and transistor radios. Prior to execution of terrorist operations is usually mixed with local communities to avoid detection from security forces. After the conduct of their operations re-join the community to increase the likelihood of their escape
Terrorist TacticsA. Bomb. Recorded in the last decade 67% of which carried out acts of terror associated with bombs.2. Piracy. Piracy is very popular waged by terrorist groups during the period 1960-1970. Hijacking of vehicles carrying food were the tactics used by the Tupamaros in Uruguay to get an impression of Robinhood and destroy the propaganda of the government. But the more popular types of piracy today is the hijacking of commercial aircraft.3. Murder. Murder is the oldest form of terrorist act and is still used today. This is often the target of assassination had predicted, terrorists will claim responsibility for the murders carried out. Targets of these killings are usually government officials, businessmen, politicians and security forces. In the last 10 years recorded 246 cases of killings by terrorists around the world.4. Deterrence. Prepared ambushes rarely fail. This also applies to operations carried out by terrorist groups. This action is usually planned carefully, conducted preliminary training and rehearsal, and implemented as appropriate. In this form of operation time and the field side with a terrorist group.5. Abduction. Not all lawyer-hadangan intended to kill. In the case of Abu Sayaf guerrilla group in the Philippines, deterrence is more intended to kidnap personnel. Abduction will usually be followed by ransom demands in the form of money, or other political demands.6. Hostage. Differences anta-ra kidnapping and hostage-terrorism in the world is very thin. Both forms of these operations often have the same understanding. Kidnappers typically hold victims in secret and demanded his is a form of material and money, while the hostage deal directly with the authorities by holding hostage in a public place. Pe-nyanderaan usually demands more than just material. Usually the political demands of terrorists is more often cast in case this pe-nyanderaan.7. Robbery. Operations that are carried out by terrorist groups is very expensive. To fund their terrorist activities to rob a bank or an armored car carrying large amounts of money. Bank robbery also be used as a test for the new personnel training program.8. Threats / Intimidation. Is a business, work, activities and actions to intimidate or threaten to use violence against a person or group, in an area that is considered an opponent, so that the target had to obey the will of threatening to aim and purpose.9. Influence of Terrorism. Why did cu in acts of terrorism are the most current factual, the tragedy of World Trade Centre (WTC) in New York, USA on 11 September 2001, can be felt the influence of global terrorism.10. Influence on the ideology. The fanatical / radical Islam was accused of responsibility for the WTC twin towers attack. Osama bin Laden's AI Qaeda and other organizations accused of being an anti-capitalist west, managed to convince the world about the existence of international organizations with the goal to destroy America as a symbol of western capitalist countries.11. Influence on religion. Obviously once the impact of the WTC tragedy "Islam" as a religion discredited as the ringleader of all the activities that impact the terrorism to Islamic countries, including Indonesia state-nyalir condition as hiding places and training Al Qaeda.12. Influence on politics. U.S. government response to the WTC tragedy, it is clear that Osama bin Laden's terrorist network Al Qaeda is an organization with their main enemy, and through their political appeal for support from other countries which coagulated into the form: standing with the American or the opponents. After the WTC tragedy, the American government began to open the tap-tap its foreign aid to Indonesia, because the U.S. needs the cooperation with Indonesia in order to combat terrorism.13. Influence on economic terms. Terrorist activities in the form of plane hijackings had been frequent, but the WTC tragedy really gave birth to a kind of "travel trauma" to the aircraft for most of the community, not just in America but also across the globe to another that resulted in dozens of airlines Why did lami losses and even closures airlines.14. Influence on the field of defense. American forces formed an alliance to hunt down Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda organization. Eventually formed the Alliance invaded Afghanistan and caused the fall of the Taliban government.List of terrorist attacks in Indonesia2000• Bomb Philippine Embassy, Jakarta 2000. August 1, 2000, a bomb exploded in a car parked in front of the Ambassador of the Philippines, Menteng, Central Jakarta. 2 people were killed and 21 others were injured, including Philippine Ambassador leonides T Caday.• Bomb Embassy of Malaysia, Jakarta 2000. August 27, 2000, a grenade exploded in the compound of the Embassy of Malaysia in Brass, Jakarta. There were no casualties.• The bomb Jakarta Stock Exchange Building, 2000. 13 September 2000, an explosion rocked the parking lot P2 Jakarta Stock Exchange Building. 10 killed, 90 people were injured. 104 cars were severely damaged, 57 lightly damaged.• Christmas Eve 2000 bombings. December 24, 2000, a series of bombings on Christmas Eve in several cities in Indonesia, claimed the lives of 16 people and injuring 96 others and resulting in 37 cars damaged.2001• Bomb Plaza Atrium Senen, Jakarta 2001. 23 September 2001, a bomb exploded in the Atrium Plaza, Senen, Jakarta. 6 people injured.• Bomb Restaurant KFC, Makassar 2001. October 12, 2001, resulting in a bomb blast glass, ceiling, and broken neon sign KFC. There were no casualties. A bomb placed in an office other MLC Life Makassar branch did not explode.• School Bomb Australia, Jakarta 2001. 6 November 2001, a homemade bomb exploded in the courtyard Australian International School (AIS), Housing, Jakarta2002• New Year's Eve 2002 bombings. January 1, 2002, mangosteen grenade exploded in front of the house to eat chicken Bulungan, Jakarta. One person was killed and another was wounded. In Palu, Central Sulawesi, four bomb blasts occurred at various churches. There were no casualties.• 2002 Bali bombings. October 12, 2002, three explosions rocked Bali. 202 victims of the majority of Australian citizens were killed and 300 others were injured. Same time, in Manado, North Sulawesi, a homemade bomb also exploded at the Philippine Consulate General's office, there were no casualties.• The bomb Makassar McDonald's Restaurants of 2002. December 5, 2002, a homemade bomb wrapped in a steel plate container exploded in Makassar McDonald's restaurant. 3 people were killed and 11 wounded.2003• Bomb Police Headquarters Complex, Jakarta 2003. February 3, 2003, a homemade bomb exploded in the lobby of Wisma Bhayangkari, Jakarta Police Headquarters. There were no casualties.• Bomb Cengkareng Airport, Jakarta 2003. 27 April 2003, a bomb exploded in a public area dii terminal 2F, an international airport Soekarno-Hatta, Cengkareng, Jakarta. 2 people were seriously injured and eight others were wounded and a light.• JW Marriott bombing in 2003. August 5, 2003, a bomb partially destroyed the hotel JW Marriott. As many as 11 people died and 152 others were injured.2004• Bomb cafe, Palopo 2004, occurred on January 10, 2004 in Palopo, Sulawesi, killing four people. (BBC)• Australian Embassy bombing in 2004, 9 September 2004, a large explosion occurred in front of the Embassy of Australia. 5 people were killed and hundreds injured. The explosion also resulted in damage to several buildings in the vicinity such as the Tower Plaza 89, Tower Grasia, and BNI Building.• Indonesia Embassy Bombing, Paris in 2004 occurred on October 8, 2004, there were no casualties.• A bomb blast at Immanuel Church, Palu, Central Sulawesi on December 12, 2004.2005• Two bombs exploded in Ambon on March 21, 2005• Bomb Pamulang, Tangerang, 2005, June 8, 2005, a bomb exploded at the home page Expert Circuit Board Assembly Policy Mujahidin Indonesia M Iqbal alias Abu Jibril in Pamulang West. There were no casualties.• Bali bombings in 2005, October 1, 2005, a bomb detonated in Bali. At least 22 people were killed and 102 wounded in the blast that occurred in R.AJA 's Bar and Restaurant, Kuta Square, Kuta Beach area and in Nyoman Café Jimbaran.• 2005 Palu bombing, December 31, 2005, a bomb exploded at a market in Palu, Central Sulawesi, killing eight people and wounding at least 45 people ..Availability of Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Mastery of WMD is a direct threat to the international community. The possibility of a terrorist organization using chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon or a powerful bomb has increased significantly in the last decade. Availability of advanced electronic technology is important, some scientists wish to cooperate with terrorists and ease of intercontinental transportation enable terrorist organizations to more easily control, create, deploy and launch WMD attacks to the United States or other countries.
Meanwhile, new instruments of terror such as cyber attack in the development and conventional instruments of terror has not been destroyed, the availability and possible use of WMD is a threat in itself.
As we know that some terrorist organizations are developing the ability to use WMD to attack the United States and ideological extremism motivated lain.Dengan, terrorist ambition to create a disaster is possible.
Sarin gas attack by Aum Shinrikyo in the Tokyo subway in 1995 is an early warning of the possible use of WMD. In 1998 Osama bin Laden declared that the acquisition of WMD is a religious duty (religious duty) and the evidence found in Afghanistan show that al Qaeda has been fulfilling this task.
WMD threat is a real danger. Our primary goal should be to prevent terrorist master and produce WMD that makes them able to perform their actions and ultimately bring disaster humanity and civilization.
HANDLING TERRORISMPreventive action.Anti-terrorism prevention activities aimed at reducing the likelihood of terrorist acts. These activities include crime prevention techniques purely intended to strengthen the procedures for detecting a target as well as a planned act of terror. Planning and training are important elements in terror prevention program. Preventive activities include the planning, precautions, preparation and practice before the incident occurred. During this stage of consideration given to the research, gathering information and intelligence, the act of precautions, in-depth planning and intensive training.
Experience prove that prevention is the best way to fight terrorism. There are 8 steps in the stage of prevention include:A. Intelligence. Kete-rangan/intelijen collection of terrorists is the most important thing in fighting terrorists. Who are the terrorists, when, where and how he will launch the action is a question that must be answered in this intelligence gathering. The information collected includes the social, economic and political life of an area.2. Analysis of the threat. Ideally, this step is carried out continuously. Analysis of these threats can be used to identify possible threats that may occur. In this analysis we have to think from the standpoint of a terrorist. How we will carry out acts of terror against the target? Which areas have weak points and vulnerabilities? What strategies and tactics to be used.3. Security Operations. Influence of comfort operating or activity is important in the prevention of terrorist acts. In the implementation of the action terrorists will exploit intelligence data from the target. Data were obtained from the use of intelligence agents, tapping with the use of communication tools and the intelligence picture. This can be prevented by the activities of intelligence opponents as well as by enhancing preparedness, security forces, especially what. The basis of this activity is a sense of security awareness and training.4. Security Personnel. No one is immune to attacks from terrorists. In selecting the target terrorists never looked fur. Target can seek government offices, installations or public places. The people that are in place to target terrorists solely because they are in places such as terrorist attacks. Often terrorists also choose certain people as a target for kidnapping, hostage taking and murder.5. Physical Security. Physical security was the security cover to the news, as well as crime prevention materials. Although the crime, including terrorist activities, but there are some differences that must be taken into account in the implementation of physical security. Terrorists are usually better organized, trained, and had more motivation than the common criminal.6. Authority and jurisdiction. In the face of terrorist acts must be clear limits of authority and the responsibility of each unit is involved, so as to create a unity of command.7. The establishment of Crisis Management. The earliest acts was the incident a terrorist act must be ensured not just a crime. The next step is the plan of operation must be established to deal with such terrorist acts., For it takes a body to coordinate. Body shape is exactly what is responsible for every act of Crisis Management can be focused and integrated effectively in dealing with terrorism.
Repressive actionAll efforts and measures to use all available resources include the use of major weapons systems and social systems that exist to destroy terrorism. In this terror the implementation of emergency management operations, the organization is structured as follows:A. Special Action Team. Depending on the magnitude of the incident power can be deployed forces to the detachment of the unit.2. Team of negotiators. This team continues to interact with the carrying out negotiations with the terrorists while buying time for a special action team to better prepare themselves. Often in the handling of the terror situation can be resolved by negotiation without the need of handling from the special action team.3. Ring in the element. This element is assigned to physically control the area around the target. The team also functions to isolate the duty of collecting the information about his terror and the situation in the target. Elements of a special action team or sniper team may be assigned as an element in the ring.4. Ring out the elements. The task of this team, among others, to control access in and out of the incident and empty buildings in the vicinity of the incident
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